Full Publication List

Xia, Z., Ye, J., Zhou, Y., Howe, P. D., Xu, M., Tan, X., … & Zhang, C. (2022). A Meta-analysis of the relationship between Climate Change Experience and Climate Change Perception. Environmental Research Communications. Click Here

Zhang, C., Xie, L., Qiu, Y. L., & Wang, S. (2022). Learning-by-Manufacturing and Learning-by-Operating mechanisms drive energy conservation and emission reduction in China’s coal power industry. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 186, 106532.Click Here

Liu, Y., Gu, W., Liu, B., Zhang, C., Wang, C., Yang, Y., & Zhuang, M. (2022). Closing Greenhouse Gas Emission Gaps of Staple Crops in China. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(13), 9302-9311.Click Here

Tian, X., Xia, Z., Xie, J., Zhang, C., Liu, Y., & Xu, M. (2022). A meta-analytical review of intervention experiments to reduce food waste. Environmental Research Letters.Click Here

刘旭辉, 张超, 赵钟楠 & 史久杰.(2022).黄河流域水资源压力变化及其驱动因素分析. 人民黄河(02),77-83.Click Here

Zhang, C., He, G., Johnston, J., & Zhong, L. (2021). Long-term transition of China’s power sector under carbon neutrality target and water withdrawal constraint. Journal of Cleaner Production, 329, 129765.Click Here

张超, 刘蓓蓓, 李楠, 汪鹏, 陈楚珂, 陈伟强… & 吕永龙.(2021).面向可持续发展的资源关联研究:现状与展望. 科学通报(26),3426-3440.Click Here

Ma, Z., Yang, Y., Chen, W. Q., Wang, P., Wang, C., Zhang, C., & Gan, J. (2021). Material flow patterns of the global waste paper trade and potential impacts of China’s import ban. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(13), 8492-8501.Click Here

李佳雯, & 张超. (2021). 火电工业用水定额提标的节水效果评价. 资源与产业, 23(2), 73-81.Click Here

Zhang, C., Yang, J., Urpelainen, J., Chitkara, P., Zhang, J., & Wang, J. (2021). Thermoelectric power generation and water stress in India: A spatial and temporal analysis. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(8), 4314-4323.Click Here

Zhao, X., Liao, X., Zhang, C., Zhang, X., Mao, G., Zhang, S., & Tillotson, M. R. (2021). Unveiling the dynamic of water-electricity conflict within and beyond megacity boundary. Journal of Environmental Management, 286, 112259.Click Here

Shi, J., Zhang, C., & Chen, W. Q. (2021). The expansion and shrinkage of the international trade network of plastic wastes affected by China’s waste management policies. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 25, 187-197.Click Here

He, G., Lin, J., Zhang, Y., Zhang, W., Larangeira, G., Zhang, C., … & Yang, F. (2020). Enabling a rapid and just transition away from coal in China. One Earth, 3(2), 187-194.Click Here

Liang, Y., Li, Y., Liang, S., Feng, C., Xu, L., Qi, J., … & Yang, Z. (2020). Quantifying direct and indirect spatial food–energy–water (FEW) nexus in China. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(16), 9791-9803.Click Here

Liu, J., Wang, M., Zhang, C., Yang, M., & Li, Y. (2020). Material flows and in-use stocks of durable goods in Chinese urban household sector. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 158, 104758.Click Here

Zhang, X., Zhao, X., Li, R., Mao, G., Tillotson, M. R., Liao, X., … & Yi, Y. (2020). Evaluating the vulnerability of physical and virtual water resource networks in China’s megacities. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 161, 104972.Click Here